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Privacy Statement
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At Joysure Translations Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Joysure), we are committed to respecting your privacy. The following sets forth our information gathering and usage practices for information collected on, and any other websites that are part of Joysure's online presence.
Information Gathered At This Website
Joysure Trans. automatically collects anonymous information about usage of our website. For instance, when you visit, our website recognizes the address of the Internet Service Provider you are using, the pages you visit at our site(s), and similar information. None of this information identifies you personally. Joysure does not currently use "cookies" at its websites. When using certain elements such as "Contact Us" or any of the "Online Forms", you may voluntarily provide us with names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and similar information.
Internal Use Of Information
We may use personal information that you have voluntarily submitted to provide the products or services that you have requested, to adjust our website to your personal preferences, to send to you via e-mail or postal mail newsletters, price quotes, brochures, new product announcements or other information that we feel may be of value to you, and for other similar business purposes.
Sharing Of Information With Third Parties
Joysure does not share any of this information with third parties that are not in compliance with our privacy and corporate non-disclosure regulations and with parties that are not under the control and direction of Joysure. Joysure maintains ownership and control of this information.
Corrections And Updates
You can change or modify any information you have previously provided to us by contacting us. Modifications of our policy From time to time, we may modify our Privacy Policy. Such modifications will be effective on the date that we post the modified Policy on our websites.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this website Privacy Policy, or about this website in general, please contact our Customer Service Department.

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